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兎頭 2014

兎頭 2014

兎頭 2014

兎頭 2014

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Rabbit’s Head 2014

Instalation/ Resin, Ceramic
In 2014, a series of movements by the Japanese government ? the promotion of nuclear power and aggressive amendments to the State Secrecy Law
and the right of collective self-defense ? show that evil phallocentrism (in a different sense to phallic worship since antiquity), and its tendency toward
reckless scientific beliefs and the use of military force to suppress opponents, is raising its ugly head. This work was created based on the idea of such
things. It quotes the story of the turtle and the hare. The metallic purple of the sculpture was done with the coloring of cars by bosozoku street gangs
in mind.

兎頭 2014
2014年時点での日本政府の原発推進、秘密保護法及び集団的自衛権容認への強引な改憲の一連の動きは 、